With the current situation remote consultations are a good alternative to see if your home is supporting you for health, relationships and prosperity. These consultations can be done anywhere in the world and I recently done one for a couple living in Slovenia. The main requirement is an accurate floor plan, compass reading and address so I can locate your home on Google Earth. Photos of your home and possibily a Face Time/Skype call can also help in the assessment. A report is supplied for you to work through any changes that may be requried.
Go to the Remote consultation page to see what is invloved or give me a call to see how I can help.
Introduction to Feng Shui workshops will start later this year. This workshop will give you a great introduction to Feng Shui and give you the tools to make a start on applying Feng Shui to your home.
Go the the Workshops page to find out more information or give me a call so I can explain more to you. You can also register your interest for a future workshops. If anyone is interested in learning on a one to one basis remotely by zoom or skype, please contact me for more information.
I have a Face Book page called “Feng Shui For Everyone” which you are welcome to join. This is a closed group and has infromation on many subjects relating to health and Feng Shui. You are welcome to ask questions on this group.
Hoping you are all well and looking forward to chatting with you soon.
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