9 Star Ki Feng Shui Astrology Workshop On Zoom Saturday 26th April 2025 10:30am-3pm

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9 Star Ki is probably one of the oldest forms of astrology in the world and originated in early China.

This system can give you a unique perspective on who you are and help you to understand your family and friends.

The character of a person is made up of three numbers for each individual.  The first number is the principal number.  This will give you an insight into your true inner (adult) nature.  It tells who you are on a deeper, spiritual level and is based on the 9 year cycle.   This is the character that your family and friend will see.

We will look at your Second Number which is your character number and provides an insight into your emotional (child) nature.  It tells you about your emotions and the way you communicate (hence it is the most important in close relationships).

We will also look at your Third Number or energetic number.  This provides and insight into your outer (expressive) nature.  It tells you about how you do things and how you appear to others.   This is the character people will see when they first meet you.

You will learn about the different stages of the five element cycle.  The way the five stages interact provides a fascinating insight into our relationships with others.

Once you have established whether your principal number is governed by Fire, Earth, Metal, Water or Wood, you can discover how you relate to other individuals.

In addition this system teaches that we move through a 9 year cycle.  Understanding the system means an acceptance that some years may not be as good as others and that although you can’t change things, you can plan ahead and choose the best times to do important things in order to use the Ki energy to your advantage rather than fighting against the flow.

Knowledge of your own energy of time is like looking into a navigation system map in your car when you are travelling to see what lies ahead, which turns should we take, where do we have to stop, and where we may face problems and how to get around them.

Come along to this interactive zoom workshop.  The knowledge you will obtain will give you a fascinating addition to your feng shui tool box.

This workshop will be help on Saturday April 26th 11am –  3pm.  The cost is £75.  Spaces limited to 6 people to allow student and tutor interaction.

For more details and how to book please contact Jackie Tyrrell at Feng Shui Pathway.


[email protected]


April 26
Event Category:


Jackie Tyrrell
07790 232086


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