Feng Shui For Your Home 1 Day Zoom Workshop

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Feng Shui Zoom Workshop For Your Home

Saturday 20th July 2024


10 am – 4pm


Start your Feng Shui journey with this informative workshop which will inspire you into making simple changes in your home that may help to improve your health, relationships & prosperity.

On this workshop, you will learn how influences such as clutter, Earth energies like Geopathic Stress, Electro-magnetic fields and other negative energies in your environment may be stopping you from getting on with your life and affecting the positive energy flow of your home of your home.

You will find out where your life areas are in your home using the compass Bagua and learn how to support them using the elements, colour, artwork, cures, enhancements and much more.

This is a great opportunity to gain an understanding of this wonderful subject and guide you towards living in harmony with your environment.

This workshop will include

Finding out your priorities and which areas to work on.

Importance of clearing clutter

What is Geopathic Stress?  How does it affect Feng Shui of the home and our health?  How you can deal with it.

Introduction to the art of dowsing

Electro-Magnetic Fields –  How they affect us, what steps you can take to minimise exposure.

Space Clearing techniques and the importance of clearing negative energies from your home.  A full Space Clearing procedure will be taught for you to have the ability to cleanse your own home.

Introduction to the 5 element cycle

Recommendations for annual 5 Earth Star

Locating life areas in your home and Feng Shui tips, cures and enhancements for life areas.  This will cover colour, plants, mirror, artwork and much more.

Learn how to. Calculate your Gua number to find out which compass directions support you and your family best


You must scan an accurate floor plan of your home to Jackie prior to the workshop and know the compass direction that your front door faces.   You may be able to obtain a compass direction using Google Earth or from a compass app.  Mark important furniture like beds & sofa.  If you need an example floor plan please ask.  Please mark where North is on your plan too as well as the front door direction.

You will also need to supply your date of birth to calculate your Gua number for your best directions.

Jackie will then overlay the compass Bagua onto your floorplan for the purpose of this workshop and return this to you on the workshop so you can use your floor plan as a reference to locate your life areas.  She will explain how you place the Bagua onto your floor plan on the day of the workshop.

Your floorplan must be accurate and clear in dark ink for scanning over, not pencil as you will obtain better results when Jackie adds the Bagua to it.   Sometimes you may be able to obtain a floor plan of your property from an estate agent.  If you require an example floor plan please let Jackie know.  The more accurate you make it the better the results.

To book your place and for more information please email Jackie Tyrrell [email protected]or phone 07790232086.   Visit www.fengshuipathway.co.uk




July 20


Jackie Tyrrell
07790 232086


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